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Team Work is Good for a Business

Team work has become increasingly important in a business, especially since numerous studies confirm that not only are employees more productive when working in a group, but many excellent and innovative ideas had their origin in a group setting to the long-term benefit of the business.
Why is team work good  for a business?
In a group setting employees have different skills, talents and working styles which can complement each other while striving towards achieving the same business goals.   Employees have to collaborate while different ideas are shared and tested with peers.  It often happens that employees are encouraged to do their best in a group setting because they trust and respect each other.  However, the opposite is also true if the team consists of different personalities who do not agree which could  result in conflict.
To really succeed with a team approach in a business, the culture of the business needs to be one that enhances team performance and competition and not emphasise individual performance. Extra care should be taken to employ only people who will complement each other.  Each member of the team should feel that they contribute equally to all the decision making and that their ideas are valued.  If only a few employees actively participate in group decisions, it could lead to resentment on their part because they are doing all the work. It is always a good idea to have a group leader who steer the group in the right direction and keep them on track.
Even though individual work is still valued by numerous businesses, others realise the importance of team work to achieve their business goals and then adapt the business culture accordingly.

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