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Showing posts from February, 2013

Using Infographics as a Business Communication Tool

Infographics, or the visual representation of data, is increasingly being  used by businesses to visually represent complex data to their employees.  Especially policies with numerous legal terms  or complicated business data lend themselves to using  infographics.  Infographics can easily be designed by any employee who is creative enough to resourcefully represent data visually and not necessarily only by graphic designers. Numerous online tools are available, but they could also be designed with Powerpoint, Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. These graphics can be uploaded on the business website and also be distributed to employees via email or even embedded in the business Intranet and should preferably complement the business corporate identity. What kind of data could be visually represented to employees? Business policies could be visually displayed to explain how they affect employees in real business life. Business figures could be made more a...

Why Feedback is important in your Business

Employees generally welcome feedback from managers, not only  constructive feedback  about their own work performance, but also about any undertakings in the business which directly relate to their tasks.  Managers tend to forget that well informed employees are more productive and also focused on achieving business objectives. So what kind of  feedback should a manager give to employees? Continuous feedback to employees is important.  Picture Credit: Photopin . Feedback on work performance without discouraging the employee, thus constructive remarks to help the employee grow and prosper to the benefit of business goals.   The annual performance interview is the ideal place, but feedback could also be continuous throughout the year in less formal settings. Feedback about all activities and undertakings in the business.  Large businesses have their own public relations officers dealing with internal communication according t...