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Showing posts from March, 2013

How Cultural Intelligence can benefit Cultural Diversity

Cultural intelligence refers to behaviour based on the knowledge and skills related to the cultures of employees with whom the manager interacts in the business.  This can range from language skills or other qualities such as tolerance for uncertainty or flexibility which could also be enhanced because of emotional intelligence (see my post on emotional intelligence ). Cultural intelligence is developed by learning about the beliefs, customs and even restrictions of specific cultures as well as showing an understanding of a different culture by blending in. Cultural intelligence consists of four aspects, namely linguistics, spatial, intrapersonal and interpersonal. Image Credit: Linguistics refers to successfully interacting with employees from other cultures whose native language is different and thus overcoming any language barriers.  For example, learning some key words or even lingo of another language spoken by emplo...

A CEO Blog for Better Business Communication

A direct communication channel by the CEO could enhance  business communication. Image credit:  Photopin . Communication from the CEO of a business is essential for employees not only to receive direct messages from Top Management but also to understand the thinking process of those who are in charge.   A CEO weekly blog could improve communication in the business and simultaneously make the management more visible to employees which is essential for any business communication strategy to remain effective. The CEO could, for example, write to employees on a weekly basis about different topics that would be of interest to them at that specific point in time.  The blog posts could relate to important events in the business,  clarify unclear issues or  communicate essential new information, for example on being ethical. In addition interesting statistics about how the business is doing financially could also be of interest to employees.   ...